December 11th, 2023
Menu for the week:
Monday 11th
Breakfast: Breakfast bar, string cheese, fruit, juice
Lunch: Pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, fruit
Tuesday 12th
Breakfast: Muffin, yogurt, fruit, juice
Lunch: Tacos, corn, fruit
Wednesday 13th
Breakfast: Omelet, toast, fruit, juice
Lunch: Orange or teriyaki chicken, stir fry veggies, fruit
Thursday 14th
Breakfast: Bagel, string cheese, fruit, juice
Lunch: Chili, corn bread, fresh veggies,, fruit
Activities for the week:
Tuesday 12th
MS/HS Christmas Concert 6pm
Thursday 14th
Wrestling at Newell 5pm
Tiger Basketball with Hill city 3:30pm
C games, followed by Boys’ JV, Girls’ Varsity, and Boys’ Varsity
Friday 15th
Friday School 8am-11am
Wrestling at Worland 1pm
Saturday 16th
Wrestling at Worland 9am
Wrestling at Hot Springs 9am
2. Student Council Meeting: 12/11 at 3:45, in Mrs. Condon's room (rm 12).
3. There will be a MS wrestling meeting/gear turn-in at 4:15pm today 12/11 in the lunchroom.
4. There will be a MS boys basketball meeting for any boys interested in playing basketball Wednesday, 12/13, after school in Miss Fehr’s room.