Adults Who Love Books, NU Library Book Club will meet September17 from 6pm-7pm in the NU Library. (Park on the south side of the school and signs will be posted.) During this time, we will make a decision on our first book and how often to meet. Come to enjoy adult conversation and company. Look forward to seeing you September 17th!
1 day ago, Darla Rodenbaugh
NU Library Book Club
Bulletin No. 8 September 4, 2024 Menu for the Week: Today’s Lunch: Cheese or Chicken quesadilla, corn, fruit Thurs 5th Breakfast: Pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice Lunch: Hot ham and cheese, baked beans, fruit Activities for the Week: Sept. 4th NWEA Testing Sept. 5th NWEA Testing 5th Grade Banding Meeting 3:50 pm Volleyball at White River 5:00 pm Bus Time 2:00 pm Sept. 6th Cross Country at Faith at 9:00 am 6th – 12th Friday School 8 am – 11 am Football with Harding Co. 6:30 pm 1. The JH/HS Rodeo Team will meet on Monday, September 9 at 6 pm in the rodeo grounds/arena office. Also, high school rodeo registration is now open, Membership Forms are due by November 1, 2. Picture retakes are scheduled for October 22nd; if your student missed their photos, they will be able to take them then. 3. NWEA Testing will take place this week. Please make sure students' laptops are charged every night. 4. Student Council Meeting, September 11th at 3:45 in Mrs. Condon's room (rm 12)
2 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Bulletin No. 8 September 3, 2024 Menu for the Week: Today’s Lunch: Chicken alfredo, green beans, slice of bread, fruit Wed 3rd Breakfast: Muffin, string cheese, fruit, juice Lunch: Cheese or Chicken quesadilla, corn, fruit Thurs 5th Breakfast: Pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice Lunch: Hot ham and cheese, baked beans, fruit Activities for the Week: Sept. 3rd NWEA Testing 5th Grade Star Base Cross Country at Lead 10:00 am Bus Time 7:30 Volleyball with Bennett Co. 5:30 pm Sept. 4th NWEA Testing Sept. 5th NWEA Testing 5th Grade Banding Meeting 3:50 pm Volleyball at White River 5:00 pm Bus Time 2:00 pm Sept. 6th Cross Country at Faith at 9:00 am 6th – 12th Friday School 8 am – 11 am Football with Harding Co. 6:30 pm 1. The JH/HS Rodeo Team will meet on Monday, September 9 at 6 pm in the rodeo grounds/arena office. Also, high school rodeo registration is now open, Membership Forms are due by November 1, 2. Picture retakes are scheduled for October 22nd; if your student missed their photos, they will be able to take them then. 3. NWEA Testing will take place this week. Please make sure students' laptops are charged every night. 4. The Sunshine Committee wishes happy birthdays to the following: Mrs. Albers – Aug 4th Miss. Palu – Aug 8th Ms. Thursia – Aug 11th Mrs. Sether – Aug 20th Ms. Pickett – Sept 1st
3 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Bulletin No. 7 August 29, 2024 Lunch for today: Nachos, refried beans, corn, fruit Activities for the Week: Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA Sep 2nd- NO SCHOOL 1. JH/HS Rodeo Team meeting Monday, Sept 9 at 6 pm in the rodeo grounds/arena office. 2. We'd like to remind parents that middle and high school practices are closed and that you should wait for students outside the building. 3. Picture retakes are scheduled for October 22nd; if your student missed their photos, they will be able to take them then. 4. NWEA Testing will take place next week. Please make sure students' laptops are charged for Tuesday.
8 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Bulletin No. 6 August 28, 2024 Lunch for today: Spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, fruit Thursday, Aug 29 Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy, fruit, juice Lunch: Nachos, refried beans, corn, fruit Activities for the Week: Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA Sep 2nd- NO SCHOOL 1. JH/HS Rodeo Team meeting Monday, Sept 9 at 6 pm in the rodeo grounds/arena office. 2. We'd like to remind parents that middle and high school practices are closed and that you should wait for students outside the building. 3. Picture retakes are scheduled for October 22nd; if your student missed their photos, they will be able to take them then.
9 days ago, Brandie Merchen
5th grade band meeting.
10 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Band Meeting
Bulletin No. 5 August 27, 2024 Lunch for today: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, gravy, fruit Wednesday, Aug 28 Breakfast: French toast, sausage, fruit, juice Lunch: Spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, fruit Thursday, Aug 29 Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy, fruit, juice Lunch: Nachos, refried beans, corn, fruit Activities for the Week: Aug 27th- Picture Day Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA Sep 2nd- NO SCHOOL
10 days ago, Brandie Merchen
New Underwood School will begin receiving food backpacks from Feeding South Dakota the first week of September. They will be delivered to classrooms on September 5th.
11 days ago, Darla Rodenbaugh
Bulletin No. 4 August 26, 2024 Lunch for today: Sandwich wraps, baked beans, fruit Tuesday, Aug 27 Breakfast: Banana bread, yogurt, fruit, juice Lunch: Chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, gravy, fruit Wednesday, Aug 28 Breakfast: French toast, sausage, fruit, juice Lunch: Spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, fruit Thursday, Aug 29 Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy, fruit, juice Lunch: Nachos, refried beans, corn, fruit Activities for the Week: Aug 26th- 5th Grade Star Base Aug 27th- Picture Day Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA Sep 2nd- NO SCHOOL
11 days ago, Brandie Merchen
It has been a fantastic first week of school! 🎉 It’s been wonderful to see all the students and staff getting back into the swing of things. As we settle into the school year, just a quick reminder to keep safety in mind, especially with the ongoing construction on I-90. Many are using HWY 1416 as an alternative route. 🚗Remember to adhere to the speed limits as you drive through town: 35 MPH when entering town on 14/16 25 MPH on Main Street 20 MPH on other city streets 15 MPH in school zones (24/7, including around the school and athletic complex) With many of our students walking in these areas each day, let’s all be extra cautious, particularly during pick-up and drop-off times. Your attention and care make a big difference in keeping our kids safe. Thanks for your cooperation and have a great weekend! 🚸
15 days ago, Katie Albers
ATTENTION ALL ADULTS WHO LOVE BOOKS! I am thinking about beginning an adult book club this year and wondering if anyone would be interested in joining. The book club would be of an evening on Tuesdays (tentative) in the library. We would take turns with bringing in a small treat and choosing the book. More details to follow once I know how many, if anyone, would be interested. This will be open to anyone in the community that is 18 years old or older. Simply add a reply to the FB post or email Darla at
15 days ago, Darla Rodenbaugh
Feeding South Dakota BackPack Program participation forms are available on the school website. Elementary students will be receiving them in their Tiger Folders. If you need assistance, feel free to email Darla Rodenbaugh at
15 days ago, Darla Rodenbaugh
Bulletin No. 3 August 22, 2024 Lunch for today: Chef salad, diced ham or turkey, cinnamon roll, fruit Breakfast for Monday: Breakfast bar, string cheese, fruit, juice Lunch for Monday: Sandwich wraps, baked beans, fruit Activities for the Month: Aug 24th – Soccer at Custer Aug 27th- Picture Day Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA
15 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Bulletin No. 2 August 21, 2024 Lunch for today: Corn dogs, fresh veggies, fruit Breakfast for Thursday: Pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice Lunch for Thursday: Chef salad, diced ham or turkey, cinnamon roll, fruit Activities for the Month: Aug 20th – Soccer at RCCH Aug 24th – Soccer at Custer Aug 27th- Picture Day Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA 1. Students who need to reset their Infinite Campus password or set up an account, please email with a username and password.
16 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Bulletin No. 1 August 20, 2024 Lunch for today: Chicken fajitas, black beans, corn, fruit Breakfast for Wednesday: Muffin, string cheese, fruit, juice Lunch for Tuesday: Corn dogs, fresh veggies, fruit Activities for the Month: Aug 20th – Soccer at RCCH Aug 24th – Soccer at Custer Aug 27th- Picture Day Aug 30th – Tiger Football with Bennett Co. at 7 pm Aug 31st- Volleyball at RCCH TBA 1. Students that need to reset their Infinite Campus password or an account set up please email a username and password.
17 days ago, Brandie Merchen
New Underwood families, please complete your annual enrollment using the parent portal for the 2024-2025 school year. If possible, we would like these to be completed by open house and the online window will close on the 14th at midnight. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Merchen.
28 days ago, Brandie Merchen
Online Registration
The Tiger Apparel Shop is open & will close on 8/7/24! Don't forget to get your Tiger Gear!!
about 1 month ago, Amanda Trople
Football Shop
Volleyball Shop
XC Shop
Cheer Shop
Please join us!
about 1 month ago, Brandie Merchen
Back to School
The school office will open at approximately 12:00 pm tomorrow, Thursday, July 25th.
about 1 month ago, Katie Albers